

Latin: Phocoena Phocoena

In the Baltic Sea lives a beloved resident - the harbor porpoise (Phocoena phocoena). Unfortunately, the population in the Baltic Sea faces an uncertain future as they are classified as critically endangered - only 500 are estimated to remain. Their existence is threatened by several factors such as fishing, loss of habitats, oil spills, and sea pollution.

Apart from the Baltic Sea, harbor porpoises live in coastal waters in the Pacific Ocean, the Atlantic, and the Arctic Ocean. They live both solitary and in groups, using echolocation to find food, which mainly consists of fish. A harbor porpoise consumes 1-2 kg of fish per day.


Gray-black back, light sides, and a white belly

Low triangular dorsal fin and a blunt snout

Weight: 60-75 kg

Length: 1.5 m - 1.9 m

Lifespan: Rarely older than 12 years in the wild

How can I encounter a harbor porpoise?

Some areas along the Baltic Sea coast have increased harbor porpoise activity. By keeping an eye on places known to be their habitat, such as areas near Öland or Gotland in Sweden, you can increase your chances of seeing them from land or near the shore. If you spot a harbor porpoise, it's advisable to report it to the Swedish Museum of Natural History: https://marinadaggdjur.nrm.se/. This helps increase knowledge and thus aids in the conservation of these animals. Harbor porpoise activity is believed to increase south of Gotland during the summer.

At www.wwf.se, you can become a Baltic Sea guardian and contribute to protecting life in the Baltic Sea from overfishing and eutrophication.





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